Talitha Koum

Hey sisters, let’s talk about something that’s been on my heart lately. It’s those two little words in Aramaic that Jesus spoke as recorded in Mark 5 – “talitha koum.” When I really dig into their meaning and context, they just blow me away.
You’re probably familiar with the story. There’s this dear little girl who had tragically died, and her family is absolutely devastated, as you can imagine. But then Jesus shows up (praise God!) and makes His way over to her bedside. With the most tender compassion, He takes her by the hand and utters those beautiful words: “Talitha koum” – “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”
And just like that, BOOM! Life and breath flood back into her body. This kid, who was just a lifeless corpse moments before, sits up full of energy and vigor. I mean, talk about a mic-drop moment, am I right? But as mind-blowing as the miracle itself is, I think there’s something even deeper going on here that we need to pay attention to.
Why would Jesus, the Son of God Himself, choose to speak in regular old Aramaic instead of Hebrew or Greek? He could have used any language He wanted. But I wonder if by using the common tongue, He was making sure His words would hit home with everyone listening, no matter their background. Like, these are words meant for all of humanity to hear.
And that’s where it gets real for us today as modern-day sisters in Christ. Because when you break it down, “talitha koum” is not just a command for that one little girl to get up from her sleep of death. It’s a powerful wake-up call blazing through the centuries and landing squarely on our hearts in 2024.
Can you hear our tender Savior calling out to you and me with those same words? “Talitha, koum! Arise, my daughter! Wake up from whatever spiritual slumber has bound you – the doubt, the fear, the hurt, the complacency. Shake it all off because I have an incredible, vibrant life prepared for you to walk in!”
I don’t know about you, but I desperately need to hear those words spoken over my life on a regular basis. Because if I’m being brutally honest, there are so many days when I’m just coasting, so out of touch with the power and purpose I’ve been endowed with as a follower of Jesus. My fire has dwindled to a few glowing embers, my passion replaced by numbing routine and apathy.
But then I’ll remember: “Talitha, koum!” My Lord is lovingly summoning me to spiritual awakening, to an invigorating awareness of who I am in Him and the glorious destiny He has prepared for this daughter of the King!
Maybe you’re in the same boat today. Perhaps insecurity has imprisoned your mind, fear has paralyzed your will, or past failures have you barely clinging to life. But pause for a moment and let those tender words of Jesus wash over your soul: “Talitha, arise!”
Hear the Holy Spirit breathing spiritual resurrection over you, calling you to get up and walk in the freedom He purchased at the cross. Shake off the grave clothes of sin, doubt and shame that have tried to entomb you. Rise above the accusing lies of the enemy and embrace the truth of who you are – forgiven, righteous, loved, chosen, redeemed!
I don’t know about you, but I’m answering that call today. “Yes, Lord! Yes, I am arising in faith, courage and holy boldness. Fill me afresh with your resurrection life and power. I was never meant to merely survive in spiritual torpor. By your grace, I am awaking to truly live and thrive in Christ!”
If you’re picking up what I’m putting down, then let those powerful words “talitha koum” reverberate through your innermost being. Don’t just let them be ancient history. Allow them to summon you to a radical awakening, a glorious resurrection of hope, joy and purpose for today and every day to come. Rise up, sisters, and embrace the remarkable life in Christ that awaits!

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